FROM THE ARTIST: We wanted to celebrate the two year anniversary of “Friends. Lovers. Favorites.” with the world and we’re not going to let quarantine stop us.
Here is every single raw stem from all twenty tracks. We can’t wait to hear any and all of these through the the brains and meat grinders of other freaks. Join The Collective and remix, recreate, rerecord, mangle, make some backing tracks and live stream a show, and most of all have fun with these.
Post and share your creations and tag them with @hirs666 and #isolatecreate so we can listen and share.
xo Hirs
*Friends. Lovers. Favorites.* is a 677MB zip file of raw, unprocessed stems in 24-bit 44.1khz WAV file format for the entire “Friends. Lovers. Favorites.” album.
Download (677MB zip)USAGE: Unless specifically stated otherwise in the project notes, assets provided via ISOLATE/CREATE are for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. No license is granted and any commercial usage or duplication of any materials herein is strictly prohibited.